safety rules
Table of Contents- All BMERCL users must complete the BMERCL safety exam. Upon completion, the user will notarize the exam noting that they understand the safety issues and will comply with the BERMCL safety rules. Users are expected to use safe practices at all times.
- All reagents used within the lab must have an MSDS form on file. Each user is responsible for understanding clean-up and emergency procedures in case of a spill or accident.
- Any hazardous or controlled substance must be pre-approved by the lab manager before it may be used within the BMERCL facility.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used at all times. Shoes need to be of the close-toed variety. Laboratory coats must be worn at all times. Protective eye wear must be worn within 15 feet of a chemical hood. Protective gloves must be worn when handling reagents. Failure to comply with these rules will result in ejection from the BMERCL facility.
- Horseplay and other kinetic behavior will result in permanent ejection from the facility. The equipment is both fragile and expensive. Behavior that jeopardizes it will not be tolerated. In addition, such behavior can lead to accidents with reagents.
- All waste must be disposed of in appropriate containers. e.g., Any waste that is exposed to a biological must be placed in biohazard containers.
- Any accidents must be reported to the lab manager. Any clean-up procedures must be reported. In the event of an accident that leads to ingestion of a compound, puncture of skin, or exposure to any harmful substance, the victim must report to student health for an examination.
- Due to the potentially hazardous nature of biotechnological experiments, at least two people must be present in the BERMCL facility for experiments to be conducted. Otherwise, an incapacitating accident can become more severe.
- Any volatile substance must be contained within a fume hood. If such a substance is removed from the hood, it must be covered so the volatile compound cannot escape.
- The BMERCL lab is a BSL2 rated facility. No experiment requiring a higher rating will be allowed in the facility.
- Aseptic technique will be practiced within the tissue culture facility. No one may enter the tissue culture area without prior approval by the lab manager.